

A. Membership shall be as follows: Nine people, one of whom shall be the moderator, elected by the presbytery upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee, with consideration given to Article V.B.

B. Responsibilities

1.      Shall provide oversight, guidance and examination of inquirers and candidate as directed by G-14.0300 in the Form of Government.

2.      Shall designate readers for the ordination examinations conducted by the Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates.

3.      Shall work in conjunction with the committee on ministry on the identification, preparation, and supervision of persons certified as commissioned lay pastors.


    Current Members

    Class of 2018
    Brian Johnson-CoMod-Term 2
    Class of 2019
    Bradley Keller-Term 1
    Gene Evans-Term 1
    Nancy Tuma-Term 1
    Wade Kendle-Term2
    Class of 2020
    Sylvia Cross-Term 1
    Steve Breazier-Term 1
    Kathleen Splitt-CoMod-Term 2